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SHR & IPL Treatments

New Image Clinic are laser treatment experts! Lasers sound intensive- but when used correctly and by a qualified professional the results it can have on your skin are amazing!


IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light but is being replaced by SHR (Super Hair Removal) which is a faster and more efficient method. SHR uses the most advanced technology to treat acne, thread veins, pigmentation, skin rejuvenation, hair removal and reduction and even cellulite.


Cosmetic lasers are proven to effectively treat skin that has been damaged by time and sun. They do this by reversing the signs of damage by stimulating the collagen production in your skin's cells and also help to tighten the tissue through coagulation.



There are many advantages of using laser treatments including the very small chance of any side effects- any redness or puffiness will reduce after a day or so, with the only permanent effects being your newly reformed skin!


Some treatments may need a few sessions at our Burnley clinic to achieve the required results, but a free consultation will be able to tell you more about what you need- book now on the number above.


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